Friday, October 29, 2010

Wake Me Up When October Sad Ends

#nowplaying Move On - Bruno Mars. Hahaha sosoan pake theme song gitu gue yakan u,u gapapa deh biar kece dikiiiit. Pasti liat title gue diatas langsung mikir kalo blog gue kali ini soal hmmm.....GC, Gacin, dsb lah hahaha. Oh iya gue mau cerita soal gue sama PINK hari Jum'at kemarn tanggal 29 Oktober 2010, minus Stevany Geenica a.k.a Ntep sih ahaha. Berawal dari gue pulang uts, bete+bingung mau kemana. Akhirnya gue memutuskan buat ngga pm karena godaan saiton-saiton yg terkutuk (re: temen-temen gue yg ga pm) hahaha :p Yaudah tiba-tiba tanpa sadar gue udah ada di depan rumah si Karamina ckck (emang ga niat pm). Itu tuh sekitar jam 10 lewatlah, terbilang masih sangat pagi buat gue pulang kerumah abis pulang sekolah ha ha. Gue mulai berpelukan bla bla bla lah sama dia dan akhirnya......................................................bercerita. Tepatnya sih cerita soal Fuck-mily gue yg lagi......AAA SUPERDUPEREXTRA TERRIBLE DEH! I cried. A lot and felt much better after that hehe, Thanks my cuppy cake @karaminarf :')

Lama-lama udara di kamar Kara tuh makin enak beh gila pas banget buat molor! Gue asik main DS yakan, eh taunya si Kara udah molor ckck daripada gue ga ada kerjaan, gue ikut tidur dong tuh ya. 2 jam berlalu, Putri cantik nan jelita pun terbangun dari tidurnya (re: Annisa Ayumi Akkasa) hahaha. Gue kebangun juga gara-gara dapet sms dari Putri yg katanya udah otw mau kesini. Sambil menunggu datangnya si bocah kampung (re: Putri Charlena) wakakakak, kita makan. Selesai makan gue lupa deh tuh kita ngapain pokoknya cerita-cerita soal.......................hmmm, R...................fill in the blank deh ya hahaha. Dan ga lama datang lah si Bocah Kampung wakakakakakak. Udah gitu si Anak Bau Eek (re: Stevany Geenica) sms dan menandakan bahwa dia tidak bisa ikut join-___-" padahal ada something222 gitu tuh buat doi huh payah. Saking bosen nya ngobrol + gosip yg ga seru sama sekali, dengan tampang flat, si Bocah Kampung bilang ke Putri cantik jelita dan Anak Gembrot dengan tampang flat nya kyk gini,

p.s : Bk; Bocah kampung Ag; Anak gembrot Pcj; Putri cantik jelita

BK : eh cari sesuatu yg baru yuk gitu bosen nih gue
AG : ayo ayo ngapain ya yang enak seru gitu
PCJ : iya yang baru gitu gimana kek ngapain ayo serius nih abis magrib kalo mau
BK : godain alay alay aja mau ngga? hahaha (ketawa maksa)
PJC : dih ogah lu aje
AG: ih jgn egooo ntar gue yg kena,alay disini ganas ganas
BK: eh ke pasar malem aja yuk!!!

tampang kita segiramg-girangnya seperti ini......
mampus banget ngga tuh? LOL!
Oke. Magrib berlalu, mulailah kita bertiga jalan menuju First destination, PASAR MALEM! Kita ngambil jalan lewat Karang Balita dan sebenernya sih mau ngelewatin rumahnya si Gamal doang hahaha :p pas lewat situ ternyata...............krik krik krik* sepi banget bos! Tetep semangat walau banyak rintangan menghadang! (loh?). Singkat cerita, kita sampai disana dan JENG.....JENG.....JENG!!! Serasa disambut aaaa semua mata tertuju pada kita ulala iyalah orang gaya kita kayak gembel minta disawer-..- ngga deng, kita kan canTiqU3 cEeduniAaA!!! hauahuahua. Kita langsung aja tuh ya lari ke tukang cimol wuiiiih ada 3 rasa noh cimolnya! manis manis beuuuudh* Salim style hahaha. Makan deh tuh gue dengan binalnya ow ow owww, eh ngga lama si BK ngomong gini, "aduh aduh...ssssh (sambil nunjukin ring behelnya yg penyok dan copot)" yahahaha put...put nasib amat sihhh. Tapi, gue tetep salut sama Putri! Walaupun susah ngunyah gitu,dia beli cimol 2 KALI WOYYYY COBA BAYANGIN 2 KALI MAMEEEEN!!! MAU MATI GA SIHHHH LOOOO? #ganyantai. Anag Alpoes gitulohhh beli cimol 2 kali wakakaka ngakak shit! Terus kita beli Es krim Vanilla uuuuu suka sekaliiii, sama beli pempek kampung yg super pedes sama beli kerang ijo aer kali Ciliwung hahahahaha NGAKAK. Sekampung-kampungnya deh hari itu,bener-bener kayak orang kalap yahahaha. Tapi si Bocah Kampung asik ngomong "aduh aduh" aja, kan ga tega yaudah kita ke dokter gigi rame-rame. Mana ujan elaaaaah lari larian deh tuh kita. Si Anak Gembrot juga bawel bener, "GC DONG CHA GC GC UJAN NIH". Gue juga tau ini aer ujan bukan aer ludah kar-_____- Dan tau ga kita ke dokter gigi mana??? Dokter gigi langganan ku (re: rumah Adi my ex) yahahaha biar ketemu terus clbk terus happily ever after deh ahah mampus mimpi! Selesai kawatnya dipotong dan ternyata Adi sedang tidak dirumah, kita cabut deh kerumah Kara. Dan memutuskan buat lewat Pacinok,lurus terus karang balita terus lurus lagi rumah Kara deeeeh.

Kita jalan dan ketawa ketiwi kayak cewe cewe di Gossip Girls gitu deh, cantik dan gaul lah pokoknya hahahaha anjir ga penting abis. Nah lurus kan tuh kita lewat jalan yg rada panjang, gelap, sepi ga ada orang dan..........horror! Gue sih dari jauh tadi selo selo aja ngeliatnya, pas si Bocah Kampung sama si Anak Gembrot jalan paling depan sambil ngobrol.............................i saw somehing cute :3 There was a cat hihihi, ya nggalahyaaaa-___- tapi..........................................ah sudahlah lupakan. Dengan spontan nya gue bilang, "pyter balik bosa feeling gue gaenak!" and guess what???? Si anak 2 sialan itu lari kenceng banget ninggalin gue wahahahaha sial banget emang deh. Pada ngoceh ngoceh gajelas gitulah wakakaka masih kebayang gue. Tapi gue juga sekut sih, sekut banget cuma bingung aja harus gimana pas itu haha. Sesampainya di rumah Anak Gembrot, kita makanin tuh cemilan kita dan sedikit ngerasa lega walaupun sekut sekut dikitlah hahahaha. Dan ngga lama gue di jemput deh hehehe.

Thanks banget loh ya buat advice yang kalian kasih, Anak Gembrot dan Bocah Kampung ku tersayaaaang! Gue jadi ngerasa........apa ya? Feel much better, better, better deh. Walaupun ya, ada lah sedikit sedikit rasa galau itu hehehe. Mungkin emang gue nya kali ya yg hoping too much, loving someone who doesn't love you back is hell, sad abis T^T gimana gue ngga ngarep coba? ya PINK lah yg tau dia gimana ke gue, eh tapi sekarang? sekarang ujungnya malah kyk gini. Stop expecting makanya Cha!!! bener bener ya, "telling the truth and making somenone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile" itu bener banget huhuhuhuhu. Gue juga benci banget sama situasi kayak gini, gaenak loh gaenak banget. I love you loh, tapi elo? manaaa? gue ga ngeri kenapa tiba-tiba DANG! ga ada kabar, di sms ga dibales, ya allah kenapa siiih? Gue gapernah mau negative thinking, tapi...............mikirin akibat terburuk itu ngga salah kan? gue cuma ngga ngerti aja kenapa setiap gue yakin, disaat itu juga gue kehilangan orang yang gue sayang. Buat gue, sayang ga butuh waktu lama kok,asal care dan bisa bikin gue seneng disaat yg seharusnya gue ga seneng. Tau ngga? i'm glad i didn't die before i met you lohhh :'''')
Gimana ya intinya? Aku sayang sama kamu, tapi ngga begini caranya. Kalo mau temenan, ngomong dan jujur lebih baik, iya kan? Ngasih harepan ke orang itu jahat banget loh. Huhu sadarin aku deh ya gimana pun caranya. Tapi tenang aja sih, hal hal kayak gini ngga akan berlangsung lama kok. Thanks ya buat waktu waktu nya yg lumayan singkat itu, suka banget!!! Thankssss :')

xo, Icha! Happy Halloween everybody ;D
Boo!!! Trick or Treat!

Friday, October 22, 2010

......Part 2

Here's a little survey, to get to know me better! I got it from web yuhuu~

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?
Brb Meninggal, dok!
2. Do you trust all of your friends?
I only have one true friend basically- so yes hee hee

3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
Yes. If I feel like it's worth it.

4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Yes, definitely.

5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?

6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
Hahaha. I have no clue.

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Nope! Just waiting for it again :)

9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?

10. Whats your most favorite scar?
I don't really have a scar, I know, weird.

11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
au lupa
12. What did the last text message you sent say?
"Ma besok jgn lupa ya ma"

13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?
Eyes, Smile, their back. I love it toned & defined.

14. Fill in the blank. I love:
Buzz Lightyear
15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Finish school and start to College soon. University Of Indonesia, hopefully.

16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
Well I assume my family was already there. and also my friends

17. How many kids do you want to have?
This is a tough one. 2 for now. But who knows??? thoughts change.

18. Would you make a good parent?
I think I would.....

19. Where was your default picture taken?
At my friend's house

20. Whats your middle name?
21. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
A certain someone.....

22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
aaa not giving up and try harder :(
23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?
My bestfriend!

24. What are you wearing right now?
pink pajamas
25. Righty or Lefty?

26. Best place to eat?
Depends on my mood, but Sushi is amazing. 

27. Favorite jeans?
Skinny ones.

28. Favorite animal?
Cats and Dogs
29. Favorite juice?
Anything with Strawberries and apple too.

30. Have you had the chicken pox?

31. Have you had a sore throat?
Not lately.

32. Ever had a bar fighT?
33. Who knows you the best?
My mother, my best friend. My diary.

34. Shoe size?
36 sometimes 37-___-
35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
WTF. haha

37. Been to Mexico?
38. Did you buy something today?

39. Did you get sick today?
No Alhamdulillah

40. Do you miss someone today?
I sure do. A few people.

41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?
Yes. my junior
42. When is the last time you had a massage?
Professionally? Never! 

43. Last person to lay in your bed?
My brother

44. Last person to see you cry? brother
45. Who made you cry?
Don't remember. I don't think it was "someone" who made me cry though-,-

46. What was the last TV show you watched?
47. What are your plans for the weekend?
I have no clue yet. I want to study.

48. Who do you think will repost this?
Not sure, I don't have many followers!

49. Who was the last person you hung out with?
50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say?
I don't really have someone special in my life right now... So that question can wait. 

Hope everyone has a great rest of their Saturday!



My weekend starts today. 
I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.
What is everyone doing for their weekend? Anything fun?
I am not going anywhere, just do my homework all day! haha haha-__-

I feel like I don't have any followers, don't get me wrong I am so happy for the ones I DO have. :-)
But if you know anyone whom you'd think would enjoy my blog- tell them to follow me!

P.S. Update from the stupid drama yesterday: it's squashed I GUESS.
Her dumbass apologized, but it was not genuine. WHATEVER.
So over that V!!!

Here's some questions I answered so you can get to know me more(:

What is on your bed right now?
I am! So are pillows & blankets and my phone+laptop ;3

When was the last time you threw up?
Oct. 1st. I only know this because I was hungover. haha

What's your favorite word or phrase?
I say "definitely" a lot.

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
Ruben, Mom, Ntep

What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
At school-,-

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

What is your favorite holiday?
I love holidays. Mostly Lebaran sama apa ya lupa :/

Have you ever been to another country?
No... Not yet!

What is the last thing you said aloud?
I don't remember.

What is the best ice cream flavor?
Cookies n Creme. French Vanilla. Chocolate Chip. Choco Mint

What was the last thing you had to drink?

What are you wearing right now?
Pink PJ's!

What was the last thing you ate?

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?

When was the last time you ran?
OMG......everyday when i was late actually haha

What's the last sporting event you watched?
I don't watch sports usually. Probably football, someone had it on in their house!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
FRANCE. USA. So many more places.

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace?
I don't use myspace! LAME!

Ever go camping?
Not in a long time.

Do you have a tan?
:) no

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
my ring :(

What is your guilty pleasure?
Oh gosh. Bread. Cheese. Chocolate. Ice cream!!!

Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
Mhmm. :) :)

Do you drink your soda from a straw?

What did your last text message say?
"oh iya okeoke gue tungguin kok ben"

Are you someone's best friend?
Yes :D

What are you doing tomorrow?

Where is your mom right now?
At home. Sleeping

Look to your left, what do you see?
A wall.

What color is your watch?

What do you think of when you think of Australia?
hm........Adelaide. Raditya Dika-..-

Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Of course!

What is your birthstone?

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
drive thru. I'm lazy! hehe

Do you have a dog?
No, but i want it :((

Last person you talked to on the phone?

Are you happy?
Yes, I am!

Where are you right now?
My auntie room!

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Probably how guys will not take a hint! I'm not interested!

Last song listened to?
That's what you get - Paramore

Last movie you saw?
I don't recall. I want to see Step up 3D!

Are you allergic to anything?
i guess no

Do any of your friends have children?
One is due in March ;)

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?


Count On Me

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
That's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
You can count on me cause I can count on you

Wooooh, Wooooh
yeah Yeah

If tou toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will
remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
Yeah Yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
you can count on me cos' I can count on you

For my beloved PINK

XoXo, Icha!


Ahahahalohaaaaa.........!!! Kampung banget deh gue najis. Gara-gara fitur blog rada rada baru eh gue gabisa bukanya tadi hahahaha memalukan-___- DAN SEBENERNYA BLOG GUE NGGA KEBUKA BUKAN KARENA FITUR BARUNYA! TAPI KARNA................................................GUE SALAH PASSWORD NYA! SELAMAT DEH HAHAHA.MAAF YA NGE-CAPS SEMUA TULISAN NYA HAHAHA SOALNYA DI TWITTER LAGI ADA #CAPSLOCKDAY KATANYA. Ah udah ah cape kyk ngajak partai aje gue begitu ha ha ha-,-

Langsung ke intinya aja oke? hehe hehe hehe. Gue mau cerita nih dikit dikit. Gue punya temen baru loooh, namanya Rubennnnn Barzali. Lucu deh anaknya, baik bangeeeet and lil' bit silly, i guess hahaha. Sebenernya udah kenal udah lama gitu. Iya ngga sih?  Pokoknya dulu dia masih kelas 1 deh kalo ngga salah. Kenal nya juga bareng Zaki Okki siapa siapa lagi gitu gue lupa hahaha. Yaudah begitu deh intinya. Semua sih berawal dari twitter makanya bisa begini deh, yakan @Rubenzoh??? hahahahak. Nah dari situ gue bla bla bla blaaaa bla hahahaha ada deh pokoknya. Nah yaudah terus jadi temenan deh uhuy asik (Y). Sebenernya cuma mau ngepost gini doang sih he he he. Say hi to my new friend, everyoneee!!! ;D
Mau liat ngga yang namanya Ruben yg mana? Gue promosiin lu beeeen nih hahahaha canda deng yaa :p

Ruben ;3

xOxO, Ichaaaa!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I ♥ You Buzz Lightyear! <--- Have a deep understanding.

“To infinity and beyond.”

Toy Story 2
Buzz Lightyear: I'll never give in. You killed my father!
Emperor Zurg: No, Buzz. I *am* your father!

Emperor Zurg: So, we meet again Buzz Lightyear, for the last time!
Buzz Lightyear: Not today, Zurg!

Buzz Lightyear: Don't worry, Woody. In just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot Schmoes.
Woody: [lamely] They're called "S'mores", Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear: Yes, yes. Of course.

Bo Peep: This is for Woody, when you find him.
[She gives Buzz a long kiss]
Buzz Lightyear: [cough] Um, okay, but it won't be the same coming from me.

Rex: [gasps] What're we gonna do, Buzz?
Buzz Lightyear: Use your head!
[the toys use Rex as a battering ram in the next shot]
Rex: But I don't wanna use my head!

Hamm: Where did you get the cool belt, Buzz?
Buzz Lightyear #2: Well, slotted pig, they're standard issue.

Mr. Potato Head: Can we stop? My parts are killing me.
Buzz Lightyear: How about a quick roll call? Everybody here?
Mr. Potato Head: Not everybody.
Buzz Lightyear: Who's behind?
Slinky Dog: Mine...
[Slinky Dog's back half catches up with the group]

[to Jessie]
Buzz Lightyear: Uh, ma - ma'am? I, uh, um, well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful yarn full of hair. A hair full of yarn. It's ah... um... I must go.
Jessie: [brings him back] Well aren't you just the sweetest space toy I ever did meet!

Buzz Lightyear: Tell me I wasn't this deluded.
Buzz Lightyear #2: No back talk.

Buzz Lightyear #2: Has your mind been melted? You could have killed me, Space Ranger. Or should I say "traitor."
Buzz Lightyear: I don't have time for this.

Buzz Lightyear: To Al's Toy Barn... and beyond.

Rex: Buzz, you could have defeated Zurg all along! You just got to believe in yourself!
Emperor Zurg: Prepare to die.
Rex: Aah! I can't look!
[as Rex turns he knocks Zurg down the elevator shaft with his tail]
Emperor Zurg: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Rex: I did it! I finally defeated Zurg!
Buzz Lightyear #2: [forlornly reaching down at the abyss] Father.

Buzz Lightyear #2: Will somebody *please* explain what's going on?
Buzz Lightyear: It's all right, Space Ranger. It's a code 546.
Buzz Lightyear #2: [gasps] You mean it's a...?
Buzz Lightyear: Yes.
Buzz Lightyear #2: And he's a...?
Buzz Lightyear: Oh, yeah.
[Buzz #2 runs over to Woody and gets down on his knees]
Buzz Lightyear #2: Your Majesty.

Buzz Lightyear: [looking at another toy of himself] Am I really that fat?

Woody: I have no choice, Buzz. This is my only chance.
Buzz Lightyear: To do what? Watch kids from behind glass and never be loved again? Some life.

Rex: It's the chicken man!
Buzz Lightyear: That's our guy!
Hamm: I knew there was somethin' I didn't like about that chicken.

Buzz Lightyear: Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same. Now who's with me?

[In the beginning of the movie, Rex just lost a Buzz Lightyear vs. Emperor Zurg game, right when nearly winning]
Rex: No, no, no, no.
Buzz Lightyear: Oh, you almost had him.
Rex: I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!
Buzz Lightyear: Sure, you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am.
Rex: But look at my little arms! I can't press the "fire" button and jump at the same time!
[gestures those buttons]

Buzz Lightyear: Good work, men. Two blocks down and only nineteen more to go.
Mr. Potato Head: What?
Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog: Nineteen?
Mr. Potato Head: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.
Buzz Lightyear: Come on, fellas. Did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?
Rex, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog: No.
Buzz Lightyear: No. And did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van?
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, you had to bring *that* up!
Buzz Lightyear: No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we're not going to rest until he's safe in Andy's room! Now, let's move out!

Buzz Lightyear: Buzz, are you coming?
Buzz Lightyear #2: No, I... I have a lot of catching up to do with my dad.
[Buzz throws the ball back to Zurg; it hits him on the head]
Emperor Zurg: Good throw, son. That's my boy! Go long, Buzzy!
[throws Buzz another ball]
Buzz Lightyear #2: Oh, you're a great dad. Yippee!
Buzz Lightyear: Farewell!

Buzz Lightyear #2: [thinks the approaching elevator is walls closing in] Quick! Help me prop up Vegetable Man, or we're done for!

Woody: I know! It's okay, Buzz. I actually want to go.
Mr. Potato Head: What? Are you crazy?
Woody: Look, the thing is, I'm this rare "Sheriff Woody" doll, and these guys, are my - round-up gang.
Buzz Lightyear: Woody, what are you talking about?
Woody: What am I talking about? "Woody's Round-Up"! Oh, it's this great old T.V. show, and I was the star.
[turns on T.V. and "Woody's Round-Up" video starts playing]
Woody: See, look, that's me!
Hamm: This is weirdin' me out.

Alien toys: Ooooh! Strangers! From the outside!
Buzz Lightyear: [groans] Oh, no!

[last spoken lines]
Buzz Lightyear: You still worried?
Woody: About Andy? Nah, it will be fun while it lasts.
Buzz Lightyear: I'm proud of you cowboy.
Woody: Besides, when it all ends I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company - For infinity and beyond.

Buzz Lightyear #2: Hang tight everyone, I'm going to let go of the wall.
[they all look up at him shocked]
Slinky Dog: Huh?
Rex: What?
Mr. Potato Head: He wouldn't!
Buzz Lightyear #2: One!
Hamm: He would.
Buzz Lightyear #2: Two!
Slinky Dog, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, Hamm: DON'T DO IT BUZZ!
Buzz Lightyear #2: Three!
[he lets go of the wall and they all land on the elevator]
Buzz Lightyear #2: To infinity and beyond! Approaching destination. Reengaging gravity.
[gets off the elevator into the vent]
Buzz Lightyear #2: Area secure.
[all moaning]
Buzz Lightyear #2: It's OK troops, the antigravity sickness will wear off momentarily. Now let's move!
Mr. Potato Head: Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back.

[first lines]
Buzz Lightyear: [landing on Zurg's planet] Buzz Lightyear to mission log: All signs point to this planet as location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere...

[Buzz #2 and the other toys tries to get Woody back home]
Buzz Lightyear: Hold it right there!
All: Buzz?
Buzz Lightyear #2: You again?
Buzz Lightyear: Woody! Thank goodness you're all right.
Woody: Buzz, what is going on?
Buzz Lightyear #2: [throws Woody onto the floor] Hold on! I am Buzz Lightyear, and I'm in charge of this detachment.
Buzz Lightyear: No, *I'm* Buzz Lightyear.
Buzz Lightyear #2: [arguing with Buzz #1] *I'm* Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz Lightyear: *I* am Buzz Lightyear!
Woody: So, who's the *real* Buzz?
Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear #2: I am!
Buzz Lightyear #2: Don't let this imposter fool you! He's been trained by Zurg himself to mimic my every move.

Buzz Lightyear: Woody, stop this nonsense and let's go.
Woody: Nah, Buzz.
Woody: I can't go. I can't abandon these guys. They need me to get into this museum. Without me, they'll go back into storage. Maybe forever.
Buzz Lightyear: Woody, you're not a collector's item, you're a child's plaything. You are a *toy*!
Woody: For how much longer? One more rip, and Andy's done with me. And what do I do then, Buzz? Huh? You tell me.
Buzz Lightyear: Somewhere in that pad of stuffing is a toy who taught me that life's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid. And I traveled all this way to rescue that toy because I believed him.
Woody: Well, you wasted your time.

Buzz Lightyear #2: Oh no, the walls are closing in!
[grabs Mr. Potato head and mounts him aganist the celing of the vent]
Buzz Lightyear #2: Quick, help me prop up Vegetable man here or we're done for!

Mr. Potato Head: Oh let's just go straight to Exhibit F - the kidnapper's vehicle was seen fleeing in this direction
[pushes the car left]
Hamm: Oh, your parts are in backwards, it's this way!

[pushes the toy car right]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, put a cork in it!
Rex: [walks over, knocking things everywhere] Hey, how do you spell F-B-I?
Hamm: My crime scene!
[they all start to bicker]
Buzz Lightyear: Excuse me, excuse me! A little quiet please!

Alien toys: Strangers! From the outside! Ooooh!
Buzz Lightyear: Oh, not this again...

Toys Story 2 <3