Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Gue dapetin quotes ini dari account twitter yang gue follow dan menurut gue itu 99.9% benar adanya hahaha, nama account nya itu @TumblrSays. Check it out!

I care to much for people who don't care at all for me. #tumblrsays
nobody is stupid. it's just that sometimes,we choose to be stupid for us to feel a little bit of what they call love. #tumblrsays
You gotta listening to your brain once in a while if you wanna save your heart. #tumblrsays

Stop chasing him, if he wants you he will chase you. #tumblrsays
I will never be good enough for everybody. But I am the best for someone who appreciates me. #tumblrsays

Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile. #tumblrsays <---This is one of my favorite

I'm a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you. #tumblrsays

I wish I could save good memories and delete bad ones. #tumblrsays

yap, that's all my favorite quotes. It's all about life especially, Lovelife. Search them guys! and hope you'll enjoy it hehe. xxo :)

The Biggest Hopes In My Life

First, I really want to continue my education at the University of Indonesia. It's my wish and desire to make my parents proud of me. Oh God......................lemme get what i want.

Second, University of Padjajaran!!! department of Law. Amin. Insya Allah.

Third, pass my National Exam.

Fourth, find someone new who can ease my pain and heal my wounds.

Fifth, temen-temen yang gue punya saat ini bisa ngerti keadaan gue, dan bisa nerima kekurangan gue. Maaf ya gue banyak kekurangan selama bertemen sama kalian hehe tapi intinya gue sayaaaang banget sama lololo semua

Cuma itu kok yang bener-bener jadi harapan gue sekarang ini. Semoga aja di kabulin ya Amin amin.


I just wanna say, I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO BLAME! and...........................CONSIDER ITSELF!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hellooooooo Bloggy blogggg!!! Ini blog ketiga gue karena kesalahan yang sama yaitu, LUPA PASSWORD! Nice banget ngga tuh? kayaknya sebego begonya orang bego, tetep aja begoan gue kemana-mana ye? ckckck. Sabar aja ya sobat sobat haha. Fyi, ini blog dibuatin sama sahabat gue yg paling baik dan cantiiiiik jelita yaitu, STEVANY GEENICA!!! onyooooooooo :3 baik kan diaaa? makanya buat para cowo-cowo gebet dia sekarang ayooooooooooooooooooo AVAILABLE!!! hahaha (gue promosiin ya tepikoooh). Oke next blog nanti lagi ya, i'm pretty exhausted nih baru pulang jalan-jalan hehehe. Oh iya.................pas lagi jalan-jalan tadi, gue ketemu cowo SUPER-DUPER-EXTRA COOL!!! rambutnya gondrong, putih, tinggi, behelan dan BERTATOOOOOO! I LIKE HIM DAMN SOOOOO MUCH!!!! tapi mau tau apa kata bokap gue??? dia bilang, "Cowo kayak marmut gitu disukain ckck mana tato nya dimana mana lagi". Wtf? payah banget sih bokap gie itu huuuu. tapi pada intinya, gue naksir berat sama cowo begitu ahahahaha 666 thumbs up! Yo wiss lah ya mau nonton IMB duyu, dadaaaaaaah.

xoxo, Ichaaa :3